Sunday, March 28, 2010

Mozzies in Kerala

A friend of mine has just returned from Kerala this week and went to the Uday Samudra for a meal. She was telling me that it was full of mozzies and she was bitten constantly and hed to leave with the meal unfinished. She also added that Cochin was even worse.

From what I have read on here, Kerala is a low risk malaria area, but has anyone else had this sort of experience before with mozzies.

We are planning to go next December, so dont know if it will be better or worse then.

Mozzies in Kerala

No malaria since 1972.I stayed at Taj Green Cove,no problem there.Fort Kochi was a problem by dusk,but rub in or spray yourself with mozziespray and you should be ok.We also brought some electrical things to put into the sockets at night and it worked out fine.Enjoy your stay

Mozzies in Kerala

Hi Came back Saturday stayed for 3 weeks and did 2 nights on the backwaters,the mozzies love me so i use expedition from any camping shop,the only time i got bit,right in the middle of my forehead, it looks like a bindi,was when we had a drink at sunset and i had no spray on.We stayed at the Sea Face,they gave us plug ins everyday,and we sprayed the room before we went out.Hope you have a great time ,we are going again next year.

Cheers Rita

hi RRS

we too have just returned from kerala after staying at the uday sumadra.

we always take vitamin B1 every day starting a week before we go, and then take the normal precautions with odomos mossie repellant in the works for us.

my wife had one bite, i had none!!

the ';uday sumadra'; spray around the whole hotel complex every couple of days, in order to kill the larvae.

bear in mind, its only a cetain type of mossie (and only the female) that will infect you with malaria, and these are thought not to be in kerala.

hope this is of some help BOB

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