I just had to post I am so excited.
Flying out from Manchester this Thursday on the MON4372, 4th time in Goa and 2nd time at the Prazeres in Candolim.
I keep changing the time of the taxi to earlier cause I want the holiday to start asap. I guess 4.5 hours before the flight departs isn%26#39;t so bad - My sister sometimes gets there 7 hours before! LOL
Will anybody be at Manchester?
Got pin number yesterday for Flex account so all sorted for money.
20th March from Manchester
Yes! I%26#39;ll be at Manchester too!
Started packing yesterday underpants, toothpaste, MP3 player %26amp; speakers...Got my priorities right.
Nearly threw up in the shower this morning..anti-malarials are kicking in.
See you at the airport...x
20th March from Manchester
Hi Meepmoop
I have never been sick with Anti-Malarie tablets, are you pregnant?
Could be...I HAVE been getting cravings for G%26amp;T%26#39;s and cheese naans.
Hi Stockport Forum,
Just returned from Goa, Ive got 5 kids, never been Pregnant, but by christ I miss those cheese naans and the Kingfishers.
Hope you have a lovely time, we certainly did.
Yep MON4372 (now leaving at 15.30)....thats my flight!
1st time to Goa, not really looking forward to all the boys grabbing the cases at the other end!
Got my Nationwide account all sorted as well..hehe.
Doubt I%26#39;ll meet you but have a great time SABGAS and everyone else travelling to Goa on Thursday.
I%26#39;ll be on the flight tomorrow too - so cannot wait!
Tried to pack quite light but as usual have packed everything but the kitchen sink!
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